Larping in the Lavatory
Has anybody else ever been sitting at the pot in a public restroom, had their idle gaze slide over to the wall, and asked themselves why the unopened roll of toilet paper on the backup spindle was wrapped in paper bearing a logo, the same as the symbol they, not long before, noticed on the vest patch of the biker Wodenist whose spill to the floor they precipitated by bloody blast to his hog snout?

It happens that the little symbol on the toilet paper is known as a valknut (fawk-noot), and bears a significance according with sealing and death. The word itself ("valknut") bears definition along the lines of, "knot of the battle-fallen." That would evoke the einharjar, i.e., those, having died in battle, who go to the great celestial mead hall, where, with Odin, they feast, and train for the great final battle, like Armageddon, but Ragnarok; according to the mythology. Historically, the valknut appears all but exclusively on accoutrements of the dead. Corollary to death, the symbol must also evoke life.
The Christian studying these things begins to realize that many symbols, ostensibly, Wodenist, possess derivation of a more ancient Adamic-Israelite faith. At times one is not sure if elements of Asatru may look more Biblical than what passes for Christianity in the churches. Does the sumbel, for instance, not evoke the pattern of the Last Supper more clearly than the children's tea party, Kool-aid thimble semblance, the rule, the Baal boxes to pawn off, going on millennia now? For which reasons, I am not absolutely ready to relegate the valknut to pagan genesis. To my eye it evokes three sevens; the Trinity; possibly, oppositional reply to the Magen David al Roy/Remphan; and, even, the perfect harkening to the Ku Klux Klan, which, the order, only, has not realized yet, as may be deduced, since the symbol is of not just a knot--as that of a noose--but what may be referred to as a "death knot"; as, also, in some representations particularly, appears to display nothing besides three interlocking "K's."
It is a knot and it relates to life and death. But, what is this in Ecclesiastes 12:6: "Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed"? The life of a man is compared to a thread or cord, like that of a knot. The Bible says every man must die. Perhaps, then, by depiction of an unbroken knot, pagans were trying to ward against that inevitability. It can only be conjectured.

Do you know our valknut appears on the official hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in America, which, although, not without fault, is one of the most conservative mainline churches in the country? We talk about WASPs; the PCA represents something of the final remnant of WASP-dom in America. Unless they are crypto-pagans, it may be inferred that I am not the only one who has seen three sevens and/or harkening to the Trinity in the symbol.
Somebody mentioned the value of there existing a record of edits posters may make in an internet forum. I am not sure about that. I read before that books go through hundreds of edits and proofreads before they are published. It is not practical for a record to be kept of every change as may be made during that process. A record cannot be kept of everything. Who would desire such a thing anyways? Our Father blots things out on purpose, like our sin. However, on Wikipedia, which can be edited by anyone, it is quite sensible for such a record to exist so that it may be ascertained who made any particular revision. Rambling here, preface to the next paragraph.
The Wikipedia page for the Swedish (toilet) paper company used to contain this: "Logotype:
The company derives its logo from the Germanic pagan valknut symbol." Somebody removed that statement in 2017. At first I thought it might be a David Lane person, indignant about having their sacred symbol associated with toilet paper, but it appears to have been deleted by someone with a stake in the company. SCA being a Swedish company, the individual with a passing interest in the trappings of Aryanity is not fooled. The company would seem apprehensive about the symbol in light of the politically correct climate. Biker reference aside, the symbol, indeed, is favored by skinheads.
This fellow has a valknut on his face:

Svenska Cellulosa, the paper company, modified their logo in 2003.
The SCA logo used to look like this:

Now, it looks like this:

Essentially, effeminized.
I have been concerned about all of the crosses being painted green since the legalization of marijuana, but it looks like they are painting some other symbols associated with us green as well.
LARPer? I would have thought the epithet was invented for Varg "Vanity" Vikernes. Whoever met a male so endeared of the camera? However, it would appear that "Vanity" Varg did not strike the mold.
"It is typical of such persons that they rant about ancient Teutonic heroes of the dim and distant ages, stone axes, battle spears and shields, whereas in reality they themselves are the woefullest poltroons imaginable. For those very same people who brandish Teutonic tin swords that have been fashioned carefully according to ancient models and wear padded bear-skins, with the horns of oxen mounted over their bearded faces, proclaim that all contemporary conflicts must be decided by the weapons of the mind alone. And thus they skedaddle when the first communist cudgel appears. Posterity will have little occasion to write a new epic on these heroic gladiators."
--Mein Kamph
Yet, it is not, small-mindedly, and arrogantly, to be pooh-poohed, the truth that the West could use some rebirth of romanticism, and sublimity of mind. Let the children of light in these times of darkness not be afraid to separate themselves strikingly apart from the democratic, materialistic, modern world. "Come out from among them and be ye separate." Let Ayran imagination, and aesthetic not be suppressed by the present, sterile, technological & mechanistic age. Hone yourselves, Aryan man, and know that they will gnash their teeth.
The Christian is able to master the past, place it under subjection, and glean from it what he may. But history is the mere ore and can hardly pass for the refined element. Those mistaking this principle, certainly, render themselves vulnerable to epithet.
The primary guild of actual live action role play? You may know it is the Society for Creative Anachronism. If one puts just "SCA" in Google, among the first things to come up are going to be the Swedish (toilet) paper company, and the Society for Creative Anachronism. The irony rolls on.
Whatever the case, all signs and symbols must bend to the will of God, and YHVH seems to be sending a message with this one, saying, that the Holy things of the pagan past are as nothing. He wipes them away at His discretion. Maintaining the wiping allusion, one may well assent to the aptness with which the modern Wodenist is likened to a dingle berry.
Replete with triquerta: